Nende funktsioonide puudumine on TomTomi vaevanud kogu aeg, sp ka Garminile sai üle mindud.
Vanasti, kui ka ise olin TomTomi kasutaja paljudel autoreisidel, siis sai kasutada sellist programmi TomTomis:
Tripmaster v3.1
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With Tripmaster, you can:
display in real time :
the latitude, the longitude and the altitude of the point where you are,
the direction that you follow, with quantified indication and compass,
the elapsed total time since the departure, and the elapsed time while moving,
the total distance since the departure,
the distance since the last reset of the intermediate trip,
the instantaneous speed, total average speed and average speed while moving,
the maximum speed reached since the departure.
display only if you want it the maximum speed or reset it when you want,
reset the intermediate trip, while recording simultaneously, if the tracking logs are active, a tracking point, with the mileage carried out since the last reset,
record periodically your position : latitude, longitude, name of the place, hour and altitude,
record on-demand your position, with various specific comments,
define several speed limits, choose one and to be warned when you drive over this limit by a screen display and/or an audible alarm.
choose the format of tracks recording :
CSV for Excel importation,
ITN for a re-use in Tomtom navigation application,
KML for a direct importation in Google Earth,
GPX for a later conversion in another format for another GPS or a visualization with Google Earth,
POI for a later use as POIs in Tomtom application
NMEA to record directly the frames received from the GPS module
choose the units of distance, speed and altitude, among the metric system or imperial system or nautical system,
choose the language among : French, English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or Finnish or add another language,
choose the colors, for a day or night display and to personalize them or use customized backgrounds
choose to record tracking logs every X seconds or as soon as a certain distance is traversed or as soon as a certain course change is carried out,
indicate the time shift compared to GMT hour,
choose to apply or not a geoid correction to altitude and, possibly, define the value of this correction,
automatically initiate a track recording each time Tripmaster is starting,
automatically start Tripmaster when your Tomtom reboots
display the altitude even if Tripmaster is not on foreground
repeat the audible speed alarm, if requested.
Tripmaster can also run in background, while Tomtom navigation application is used, and may be recalled on foreground when you want.
See tegi imeasju, logis NMEA jälge, näitas kõrgusi, ilmakaari ja kõike muudki. Kuid ma pole kindel ja ei oska öelda, kas see enam töötab uuematel TomTom mudelitel. Navcore ja on toetatud.